A few days ago I was in quite a bit of pain for no apparent reason. My back hurt- a lot. This was really unusual because I've never had back problems before.
I was struggling to find out the reason behind the pain. What did physically do for this? Too much lifting? Sleeping on my back? I'm still not sure quite what I did but I know that I learned something.
I am nothing without God. I knew this but this experience gave me a new meaning to me. He is truly the one that gives me strength. He is the one that helps me get out of the bed in the morning. The one that helps me walk. Too often I think I take it all for granted.
That day I could not do too much. But I did spend time in thought and prayer. And I thanked my Heavenly Father for all the strength He has given me in the past. For all the love that He has willingly given to me. I became much more grateful for everything that He has blessed me with.
Book of Mormon |
I know that this scipture is true. I feel better, still sore, but much better. I could never have done it without my Savior and I will never be able to do anything without Him.
I love my Savior and I am SO grateful for His love for me and when He sends me gentle reminders that He is the one that is gives me everything. In his strength I can do all things.