Sunday, August 18, 2013

Hola Famila and Amigos!

I am so sorry that I did not email on Monday- but it was not our P-day. Today is because we were able to go to the temple! Oh my word- it was so wonderful to go! It's the Newport Beach Temple and it was amazing! It's a smaller one but the members paid for it themselves. The Stake I am currently serving in (Orange Stake) had all their wards announce that if it were possible if they could contribute another 10% for the building of the temple. And the Orange Stake had the most people contribute. How amazing is that?! And it was beautiful! It was such a blessing to go there! It's been forever because the Provo Temple was closed when I was at the MTC. Loved it!!!

Well let's see what else... oh I went on my first exchange yesterday. I went with Sister Grant and my companion went with Sister Smack (the Sisters we went to Yogurt with). We met at their apartment Tuesday night at 8:45 and I did daily planning with her and I slept there that night. And Sister Grant made me pancakes that morning! It was so nice! We taught some of the people that they are currently teaching. I met the family of 8! They are such an amazing family!! But they are going to pass them to the Spanish Elders because the kids have to translate. They are really sad about it but they know that it's the best thing for them. And that is what matters. The Exchange was so much fun and I love Sister Grant (and she's from Springville by the way). When the exchange was over we met with our companions at 8:30 last night and then that brings us to today which I have already told you about. And I'm going on an exchange with my MTC companion on Saturday so that will be fun :)
We went to a baptism on Friday and it was amazing! I loved seeing someone come to this Gospel and witness the change. Ah! Loved it!
Love you all!!!

Sister Clifton

Sister Jefferies, Me, Sister Smack, and Sister Grant

Sister Jefferies and Me

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