Monday, September 9, 2013

Blessed to Know

Sisters: Jefferies, Smack Clifton (ME!) & Grant
Hey Everybody,
It's been a great week. I don't think I can share too much but during this week I learned a lot. I learned more about the gospel, about myself, and how to be a better missionary.

On Thursday we had Zone Training and President and Sister Bowen came! In the training we learned a lot on how to work with the members more in our finding. Since then, Sister Jefferies and I have had met with 3 different families. It's cool because we've been thinking about some members we want to talk to. As we have gone to these families and have asked them to fast and pray about people to invite to the gospel they already have someone in the back of their mind that they have recently been thinking of. They just needed a push from missionaries! We set a date with them- just like investigators with baptism and we are going to help them along every step of the way. It's actually really exciting.

We have been teaching 2 of our regulars and they both came to church! It's so amazing when someone that you love and care about finally comes to church. It made me so happy to see them there! It's un-describable.

I did an exchange with Sister Parkinson on Saturday. She has such a sweet personality and her testimony is so strong. You cannot argue with what she says because you know what she says is true. She knows how to answer people and help the with their questions. She's also a great listener. I learned a lot from her!

Just something real quick that I want to share. Sometimes we take advantage of the small and simple things that we know to be true. As I have been teaching and learning about the religious backgrounds of many people I have come to realize how blessed I am. I am blessed to know. I am blessed to know that Jesus Christ is my Savior. Blessed to know that He has a beautiful plan for me. Blessed to know that I lived with my Heavenly Father before I came to this earth and that He loves me more than I can comprehend and He wants me to live with Him again. Blessed to know that the church of Jesus Christ is back on earth, that we have a prophet that leads and guides the church today, that the Book of Mormon is true. Blessed to know that I can be forgiven, to pray, to ask if things are true. The list continues but I am happy that I am serving the Lord and so blessed that I have this knowledge in my life.

I know this email was not too long. Hopefully next weeks email will be more full of information. Most of this coming week is already planned. It's going to be really busy. I'm excited!

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