Monday, September 23, 2013

Duty vs. Love

Sister Clifton-Mr. G - Sister Gefferies @ the Newport Beach CA Temple

Hey Family and Friends,
This week has been a crazy, busy, week, but also one of the best ones of my mission so far! So much has happened. I was able to go on an exchange with Sister Sowards. She is a great missionary and she loves to build people up.
We have been meeting with one guy- Mr.G. He's really great and we love him! As we have been teaching him he's been able to come to the understanding that the Book of Mormon is true. It's absolutely amazing because everything that he has had concerns about has been resolved through the Book of Mormon because he knows that it's true. And because he knows that he knows everything else we believe is true as well. He has come such a long ways and we are so happy and proud of him! He was able to come to the Newport Beach Temple Tour (just the grounds and speaking about temples) and he really enjoyed it! I have loved seeing his testimony grow!
We had another lesson with a family and while we were teaching them the spirit was so strong. Sister Jefferies and I came home and Sister Jefferies just starts telling me that this is why she loves missionary work. And I could not agree more. I absolutely have loved feeling the spirit when teaching and having it testify that what we are saying is true. We can talk all we want but people will not be able to feel of the truthfulness of it without the spirit.

Here is something that I learned earlier and I absolutely loved it!
It's comparing Alma 4 to 4 Nephi. In Alma 4 it's talking about Duty. In verse 3 it's talking how they were in a remembrance to their duty. In verse 5 it talks about the 7th year and then in verse 9 it says it's the 8th year. In one year there were "great contentions among the people of the church, there were envyings, and strife, and malice, and persecution, and pride..."
But then in 4th Nephi 1:15 it is saying that they had a love of God and there was "no envyings, nor strifes, nor tumults, nor whoredoms, no lyings, nor murders, nor any manner of lasciviousness, and surely there could not be a happier people among all the people who had been created by the hand of God." In verse 22 it says 200 years this went on. All because of love. We need to act because of love rather than duty. Duty is good but when comparing these 2 chapters we see that love is needed when serving God and others. It just can't be duty.

I love missionary work! It's such a blessing and it's amazing to see the change in others. I love this gospel with all my heart and I love the Book of Mormon. I love it when I have seen others also grow to love this book. I love my Savior, Jesus Christ and I love seeing His hand in His work. This is amazing and I am so glad that I am here in California. Could not be more blessed!

Love you all!


Sister Clifton 

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