Tuesday, December 9, 2014

He is the Gift

What does Christmas mean to you?
Santa? Gifts? Parties? Trees? Lights?
The list goes on and on.
That may what Christmas seems to be like on the outside but what is it really about?
[Christ]mas is about the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.
It's about remembering why he came to earth. The life he lived. What he gave.
What does [Christ]mas mean to you?
To me, it means selflessness.
The scriptures are filled with Jesus Christ and his selfless service. He always reached outward. Always. I think that is what [Christ]mas is all about. What can I do for others? What can I give to someone that is going to make them happy? What can I do to help someone feel the love and joy of Christmas? It's selfless. It's giving of ourselves. It's following Christ's example. This is how we feel the joy, love, and spirit of [Christ]mas!

I love this video clip. It helps us to remember Jesus Christ is the reason for this celebration! Santa, gifts, parties, trees, lights, hot cider, baking cookies are fun traditions. They bring my family closer together and Christmas has that magical touch of doing so. But in all that hustle and bustle, let us all remember the true meaning of [Christ]mas!
What does [Christ]mas mean to you?

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