Sunday, June 23, 2013

So Long, Farewell!

Today I gave my farewell talk at church. Today it really started to sink in that I am going on a mission. It's getting so close! Thanks for all those who came out to the talk, open house, or both! It was so wonderful to see all of you guys! I wish I could fully describe how much the support from all of you guys meant. It was so sweet for some of you to travel a few hours to come and see me. For those of you were not able to come here is my farewell talk if you want to read it. It's long so you can just scan through it. Thanks again for all the support! I could not have asked for a more perfect day! 
Pictures at the bottom :)

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My name is Audrey Clifton and I have lived in this ward for about 12 years. I am Blake Clifton’s older sister and I say that because people still ask me if I am new in the ward. About 3 years ago I was in the church library with my mom and I kissed her goodbye and I left for my next class. Brother Cameau was in the library at the time and he asks my mom who just kissed her. And she responds that it was her daughter Audrey. He was shocked that she had a daughter. He knew she had a son Blake but he had no idea that I even existed. It just seems that everyone knows Blake. This kind of stuff happens regular basis and it’s now just a joke in my family. Now that you know me— I’m leaving for a year and a half to serve a mission and in the California Anaheim mission and I leave July 3—just a little less than 2 weeks and I am so excited to serve my Father and His Son Jesus Christ.

I have wanted to serve a mission for about 3 years when I was a senior in high school. I don’t know where the idea came from but it just popped into my head one day and I was determined on serving. I went up to college at Utah State in Logan and while I was there during my freshman year I decided that I wanted to receive my patriarchal blessing. During the blessing the patriarch said that if it was my desire that the Lord wanted me to serve a mission. When I heard that sentence I could not stop smiling. I just kept thinking to myself how cool it was that the Lord and I were on the same page. We had the same idea in mind for my life which is something that rarely happens. And that line has stuck with me ever since.

Fast forward to my sophomore year in college, it was October 2012 and I was in my bed ready to watch conference on my laptop. I saw President Monson come up on the screen and I know that it’s going to be good because it’s the prophet. As we all know he announces that boys can now serve at 18 instead of 19. I start laughing because the boys in the audience had their mouths just drop. I was not even thinking about an age change for girls. But when President Monson announced that it went from 21 to 19 I was silent for a moment and I processed what was said then I started crying. I think every girl who cried had tears of happiness but I was the opposite. I had tears of doubt and uncertainty. As cliché as this is, there was a guy in my life at the time and I realized I could no longer wait till February to submit my papers because that was 4 months before I turned 21. I had to decide in this moment what my decision was. To continue with my desire of serving a mission or choosing to stay because this guy and I were talking marriage. It was very confusing.
Brother Mellor has asked me to speak on the commandments that the prophets have given us and which one has helped me ultimately decide to go on a mission. My first thought was scripture study and prayer. Throughout my life they have been there for when I needed answers and that is how I gained my testimony of the church. I have learned through a personal experience that the Lord loves me. It was something I needed to know and the Lord answered me through prayer. I have also learned about faith, the reason for a living prophet, that Jesus Christ is my Savior and he atoned for my sins. About 2 weeks ago I was a little upset because while I was happy to serve I did not think I would make a difference anymore. Before the announcement, girls’ going on a mission was not too common but since then almost every girl seems to be going. So I did not think I would be too badly missed if I did not go. I was reading my scriptures that night ready to finish the Book of Mormon. I was in Moroni chapter 10 verses 8-18. In these verses it talks about gifts of the Spirit.

It says:
“And again I exhort you, my brethren, that ye deny not the gifts of God, for there are many; and they come from the Same God. And these are different ways that these gifts are administered; but it is the same God who worketh all on all; and they are given by the manifestations of the Spirit of God unto men, to profit them.  

For behold to one is given by the Spirit of God, that he may teach the word of wisdom;
And to another, that he may teach the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;
And to another exceedingly great faith…
And again, to another that he may prophesy concerning all these things…
And all these gifts come by the Spirit of Christ; and they come unto every man severally, according as he will.
And I would exhort you, my beloved brethren, that ye remember that every good gift cometh of Christ.”

In my margins from 2010 I wrote “We learn from each other’s talents/gifts” and I smiled because I remembered writing that during my junior year of high school but there was also something that I wrote in February this year. I wrote, “As missionary companions we have different strengths. And one companionship may be more beneficial to one investigator and a different companionship to another.” I have no recollection of writing this down but I am so glad I did. I am glad I read and studied my scriptures 4 months ago and wrote my thoughts down about these verses. And I am grateful that I continued to read my scriptures because it was something I needed to see so I would understand that going on a mission was still the right path for me.

So obviously with all these different experiences scripture study and prayer is what convinced me on wanting to serve a mission. I wrote my farewell talk, rehearsed it many times, and I was happy with what I put together. But a week after writing it I rehearsed it again and I no longer liked it. Something was off and I did not know what. I read it again and I started to think on what was wrong with what I wrote. Was something missing or did I need to take some details out? I could not pinpoint the problem so I shut down my computer and went to a different activity.

Last Sunday I realized that in a week I was giving my farewell talk and I had nothing. I no longer knew what commandment I was going to speak on and I had no ideas. I could not identify the thing that lead me to serve a mission. I was searching my brain for a memory that helped me decided to go on a serve.
As I am trying to think of something and I start to remember the last few months of school. This past year at college was difficult. Not only did I have a busy and hectic load of school and work, but I had to make my decision of dating or mission. I really liked the guy so I had continued to date him but the line from my patriarchal blessing was still on my mind. While I was dating him I filled out and submitted my mission papers and received my call.

The day I opened my call I read:
“Dear Sister Clifton,
You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the California Anaheim Mission. It is anticipated that you will serve for a period of 18 months.”

When I read that first paragraph I knew without a doubt in my mind that the California Anaheim Mission was inspired and I could not see myself going anywhere else. But I was still confused. Later that day my dad pulled me aside and asked how I was feeling about my mission. I told him that I was still not sure and started telling him everything that was on my mind. He offered me loving words of encouragement and support. He did not tell me that I needed to serve instead he told me that I would probably regret not serving. I am so grateful for my dad for taking time out of his schedule to check up on me and for his help during tough decision in my life. He is the perfect example of my Father in Heaven.

This next part is a little hazy but at the beginning of April I broke up with the guy and after the breakup I decided that I was still not going to go on a mission but I was going to stay in Utah. There was too much too give up. My pre reqs for my major changed so instead of being done like I originally was- I needed 2 more classes before I could continue studying my major. If I went on my mission my close friends would be gone and I would know almost no one when I got back. And being the typical girl I wanted to try and see if I could get married instead. Plus my best friend is getting married in August and I cannot miss that.

My experience has reminded of the Saviors conversation with Peter. [John 21] Christ asks Peter 3 times if he loves Him and Peter responds, “Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee.” And the Lord tells Peter to feed His sheep. But Peter continues to fish and go about his life the way it was before.

Like Elder Holland said in his talk, “The First Great Commandment” he restated the conversation between Peter and the Savior. “Peter why are we here? Why are we by the same nets and having this same conversation?” I have felt that the Savior has said this to me except He was saying, “Audrey why are we here? Why are we having this same conversation over and over again? I have told you countless time in a variety of ways that the mission is the best thing for you to do. Please listen. You will be blessed.” But I was determined to see if there were other choices for me besides a mission but my life kept returning serving the Lord in Anaheim. Even though I was persistent in choosing different paths, I am grateful that the Lord did not give up but leading me on with much patience.

I have learned that things will work out in the end. The Savior will help me. For the next 18 months the Savior needs me to preach His gospel in California. He needs someone who loves Him more than anything. And that is why the commandment of Following Jesus and His example is why I am serving a mission. In Luke chapter 10 verse 27 it states, “And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself.”
This is the first and greatest commandment of them all. Elder Holland states that the greatest way to show love is loyalty. I have a life of service to give and serving a mission is only the beginning.

During my mission there will be opportunities that I will miss and events that will only happen once. School could be finished, vacations with my family, birthdays, and weddings.  But none of that is worth going against the answers I have received and the experiences I will gain while serving the people in California.

This past year I was visiting my previous roommate Alyse and while we were talking one of her current roommates asked if anyone has ever told us we look like twins. We looked at each other and laughed a little because do not look alike at all. She is taller and has long brown hair. I on the other hand am shorter and have short blonde hair. We look nothing alike. We told her roommate that no one has ever told us that. Her roommate then concludes it’s because we talk the same, do similar hand movements, and understand each other without speaking a lot. This was a great example to me on why choosing friends with similar values is so important—I know that choosing friends helps develop the person you become for good or for bad.

While going on a mission, I hope to become closer and better friends with the Savior and have his attributes ingrained in my thoughts and actions. He will bless my life with far greater things than I could have ever imagined.

I know that this church is true. This church has all the true principles and it’s complete.
This work is the work of God and it will change the world and I am very excited and blessed to be a part of that change.

I know that this mission will change others and I know that this mission will change my life.

I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet and I am very grateful for the work and sacrifice he did to bring this church back to earth. I am grateful for the Book of Mormon and the answers and power it has brought to my life. I know that Thomas S. Monson is our prophet today and I am thankful for his example in my life. Once again I know that this church is true and I am very grateful for the opportunity to serve as a missionary in California. And I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

My Farewell Cake for the Open House

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Tender Mercy

Prayer works. I know it does! I have known it for many years but it always amazes me when I get an answer to a problem that I have and my Heavenly Father answers me. His love for me is shown constantly through prayer.

I have been needing a little job to help me pay for some things before going out on my mission (luggage, clothes, bedding, a bike, etc...). The job I had last summer said they would hire me for the little time I would be there but I was not wanting to go back because I worked almost every day for long hours and I really wanted to spend my last month or two with my family before I leave for 18 months. Near the end of May I prayed to my Heavenly Father to help me find some way to make a little money before leaving that would still allow me to spend time with my family. The very next day my mom tells me of a job she found that someone in my ward posted. It's only 3 days a week, 4 or 6 hours each day, much better pay, and I'm selling Bridal Dresses! I felt so much gratitude because I knew this was an answer to my prayer. My Heavenly Father knew that I needed a job but I also needed time with my family. He knew my needs before I told Him. He placed this job so perfectly that it could not have been any better.  A tender mercy of the Lord.

For those of you who need a wedding dress (with jewelry, a tiara, a sash, a train, a veil, a corset, a slip...)  or a prom/formal dress go to the website here or you can follow them on Facebook here.
And the prices are excellent! The highest priced veils we have are $150.00 and those are cathedral.

And here is one of the many dresses. I realize I'm short so the length is longer than it should be. It was a little weird doing a wedding dress photo shoot when I'm going on a mission but it was fun.
And it's a great job. I am really blessed!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I'm Glad I'm Going On A Mission! (sing it)

I had such an amazing experience today. Some of the sister missionaries in my area asked if I would like to spend a couple of hours with them and see what it was like "out in the field" and I leaped at the opportunity. The first appointment that I went to was very touching. The person we went to teach- her faith was incredible. The thing I really liked most was that as we were teaching her she wrote down the things that she liked from the lesson and the things that she would like to improve on. Then she would share things with us that she learned at church. I learned a lot from her and I am glad that I got the chance to meet her. After that we went to another appointment and they were not home. Things like that happen- you hear that a lot, but you just need to keep working and doing your best. As we were going back out to the car one of the neighbors started talking to us and she shared with us her testimony of missionary work. 
I am so glad that I have made the decision to serve! It feels better and better everyday. I know that Heavenly Father knows the needs of all of His children and I hope that I can meet their needs with His help. Today was defiantly a blessing. It once again confirmed that this is the plan for me! I love this gospel more than anything and I am very excited to share it with others! 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

I Love To See The Temple

Yesterday I was able to go the the Salt Lake temple and it was a beautiful experience. I know that many people feel nervous or scared to go but I can promise that there is no need for the fear. The temple workers help you the whole way. My bishop told me to visualize them as representing the Holy Ghost and when I thought of them through that perspective I was able to feel more at peace. It made me so happy that I would smile when they helped me through everything!

I know that the temple is a house of the Lord and I am so glad that I was able to go there with my parents and better understand that my family is forever! I am so grateful to have that knowledge and I know that it is true!

We want everyone to come to the temple and feel the peace and comfort that it brings. The temple is sacred and not secret. Nothing is a secret inside the temple. The temple is the Lord's house. Like our own homes, nothing secret goes on inside them but we don't want just anyone coming in. Things happen in our homes that are sometimes more personal and private, but nothing that is secret. It's just something that is personal to us. The temple is a beautiful place where we come to be closer with our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. If you want to know more click here or here.

Have a happy Sunday! :)

Monday, June 3, 2013

30 Days and Counting

"Missionaries leave their family for only a short time so that others can be with theirs for eternity."

I can't believe it! I have one more month until I enter the MTC! Time has gone by so fast, sometimes it seems that I just opened my mission call last week. Some days I get scared and my biggest worry is how I am going to leave my family for 18 months. But then I remember how I felt when I got my mission call- even though I was unsure about going I felt peace in knowing that California was the place that I was meant to go. Homesickness is unavoidable but I am so grateful that I have a family to be homesick for and that we will be together for all time and eternity. Nothing is better than that. Many of my friends have gone on missions and as I read their letters they are full of happiness. In one letter it said, "Being a missionary is the BEST. And if anyone ever tells you it isn't, it completely and totally is." It makes me excited to enter the mission field and I know that the Spirit will be there to comfort me and I will not be left alone. 30 more days!