Monday, September 16, 2013

Lessons Learned

Hello World!
It's been a crazy but good week. I've also learned a few things. Lesson #1- do not wear wrap around dresses on a windy day. It's really awkward. Thank goodness for safety pins and slips. Lesson #2- Possibly allergic to lobster. I think that's what happens when you eat and and your throat becomes thick and your fingers become fat from touching it. Thank goodness I'm not deathly allergic.
This is going to be quick but I think next week will be better (do I say that every week?)
We had dinner with a family on Friday and they have the CUTEST boy! His name is Easton and he's 6. Last time we ate there he was really shy but this time no. The Elders were there too and Easton is being as cute as he can be! He said, "Missionaries close your eyes." In the cutest little voice and so we did and then he was gone for a bit and then he came back and he told us to open them. When we did he was dressed in his church clothes with a towel draped over his arm and he asked if he could take our order. OH- and he also drew a mustache on his face (the one that twits) with a goatee! Ah- you cannot get any cuter! He tells us what the special is so we order and he's writing it down and he tells us he's not doing it in scribbles! Cute as a button.
We had a 9 Week Follow Up Meeting on Thursday and we learned about more about Christlike attributes. I was also able to see everyone that I came out with! I have missed them and it was great to talk to them and get the updates with them!
Oh something to listen to. Go to YouTube and look up "Strangers Like Me" it's from Tarzan. Think of it as the mind of an investigator. It's pretty cool and it gives me chills!
I love this Gospel and I know that it's true. It's such a blessing to be here in CA and being able to see the changes in people as they start to realize that the Book of Mormon is true!!
I will give more information next week! Love you all!

Sister Clifton

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